
Featuring the United States Attorney; Regional Director, SEC; FBI
and Top Legal Experts from Firms, Companies and Advisors
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST
Holland & Knight Conference Center
701 Brickell Avenue
The Conference offers a complete update on recent developments featuring the views of Government speakers including the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; the Regional Director, SEC; FBI and corporate counsel, legal experts from top law firms and advisors. The agenda reflects the latest topics of interest and how they will affect your SEC and DOJ policies and compliance strategies going forward.
Key issues include:
Securities Enforcement – New Priorities and Expectations (corporate disclosures re: cyber breaches, SPACs, financial fraud generally)
DOJ: What's New in Corporate Enforcement and Compliance - A Focus on Practical Issues
SEC’s New Climate Disclosure Rule issued 3.6.24
Enforcement and Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Other Digital Assets
Health Care Fraud Enforcement, Defense, and Corporate Compliance - Where are we today?
The Future of Fraud and Bribery Prosecution: Ciminelli, Percoco, and Varsity Blues
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Recent Developments and Government Priorities
New DOJ Corporate Crime Whistleblower Initiative
From the Government
Other Panelists from Law Firms & Corporate Law Departments, Advisors

Jacqueline M. Arango
Co-Chair, White Collar Crime and Government Investigations Practice,
Akerman LLP, Miami
Maria Beguiristain
Partner, White & Case LLP,
Craig Carpenito
Partner, King & Spalding LLP,
New York
Stephen L. Cohen
Global Practice Leader, Regulatory and Enforcement Group, Sidley Austin LLP,
Washington, D.C.
Wifredo A. Ferrer
Partner, Holland & Knight, Miami
Eric Forni
Partner, DLA Piper, Boston
David Friedman
Senior Vice President, General Counsel,
Baptist Health South Florida, Miami
Michael E. Hantman
Partner, Holland & Knight LLP, Miami
A. Kristina Littman
Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP,
Washington, D.C.
Peter Resnick
Vice President, Forensic Services,
Charles River Associates, Boston
Vanessa Singh Johannes
Shareholder, Carlton Fields, Miami
Ryan VanGrack
Managing Director and General Counsel,
Citadel Securities LLC, Washington, D.C.
Sheldon T. Zenner
Partner, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP,
Program Highlights--Topics for Discussion
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST​
Panel 1: SEC & DOJ Corporate Enforcement
Public Company Issues: Enforcement and Defense Perspectives
SEC’s Enforcement Priorities
Financial Disclosure and Accounting Fraud
Cybersecurity Regulation and Enforcement
Reporting requirements
Aggressive enforcement
Compliance policies and practices
External and internal threats
SEC Initiatives: New SEC Climate Disclosure Rule, ESG
Cooperation and Self-Reporting
Financial Fraud and SPAC’s
DOJ’s Corporate Enforcement Policy, Corporate Crime Whistleblower Initiative, Self Reporting, and Other Initiatives
Incentives to self-disclose misconduct
What is voluntary self-disclosure?
What constitutes remediation?
Credit for cooperation. What are the elements of cooperation?
FCPA: Government priorities and new developments
DOJ Fraud and bribery prosecution Ciminelli, Percoco, and Varsity Blues
Health Care Fraud Enforcement, Defense, and Corporate Compliance
Advances in False Claims Act
New DOJ Corporate Crime Whistleblower Initiative
Panel 2: Fireside Chat with the Government: DOJ & SEC Regulatory and Enforcement Initiatives
Featuring the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida Markenzy Lapointe
Eric I. Bustillo, Director, Miami Regional Office, SEC
Enforcement Priorities and Highlights
SEC Examination Priorities
Cooperation, Self-Reporting & Whistleblowers​
Jeffrey B. Veltri, Special Agent in Charge, FBI, Miami Field Office (Cybersecurity & Crypto Assets)
Panel 3: Scrutiny of Regulated Entities
Enforcement Priorities
Crypto Assets: Intermediaries, DeFi, and NFTs, Exchanges, Recent Cases
Insider Trading, Block Trading and Rule 10b 5-1
Corporate Transparency Act of 2023 and Recordkeeping
Asset Management and Private Equity
Off Channel Communications
AI is now a priority issue